全省建筑施工安全生产月主题演讲比赛圆满结束 -九游会ag

作者:本站编辑 时间:2018-6-25 8:06:27 点击: 打印
ement instanceof window || isparentwindow(capturingelement) || capturingelement === document || capturingelement.url != null && capturingelement.body != null || capturingelement.nodename != null && (capturingelement.nodename.tolowercase() == "body" || capturingelement.nodename.tolowercase() == "document"))) { window.pbreason = 'blocked a new window opened with url: ' openwndarguments[0] ' because it was triggered by the ' capturingelement.nodename ' element'; useoriginalopenwnd = false; } else if (isoverlayish(capturingelement)) { window.pbreason = 'blocked a new window opened when clicking on an element that seems to be an overlay'; useoriginalopenwnd = false; } else { useoriginalopenwnd = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // block if a full screen was just initiated while opening this url. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var fullscreenelement = document.webkitfullscreenelement || document.mozfullscreenelement || document.fullscreenelement; if (new date().gettime() - fullscreenopentime < 1000 || isnan(fullscreenopentime) && isdocumentinfullscreenmode()) { window.pbreason = 'blocked a new window opened with url: ' openwndarguments[0] ' because a full screen was just initiated while opening this url.'; /* jra removed if (window[script_params.fullscreenfnkey]) { window.cleartimeout(window[script_params.fullscreenfnkey]); } */ if (document.exitfullscreen) { document.exitfullscreen(); } else if (document.mozcancelfullscreen) { document.mozcancelfullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitcancelfullscreen) { document.webkitcancelfullscreen(); } useoriginalopenwnd = false; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var openurl = openwndarguments[0]; var inwhitelist = isinwhitelist(openurl); if (inwhitelist) { useoriginalopenwnd = true; } else if (isinblacklist(openurl)) { useoriginalopenwnd = false; } if (useoriginalopenwnd == true) { generatedwindow = originalwindowopenfn.apply(this, openwndarguments); // save the window by name, for latter use. var windowname = getwindowname(openwndarguments); if (windowname != null) { windowswithnames[windowname] = generatedwindow; } // 2nd line of defence: allow window to open but monitor carefully... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // kill window if a blur (remove focus) is called to that window ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (generatedwindow !== window) { var opentime = new date().gettime(); var originalwndblurfn = generatedwindow.blur; generatedwindow.blur = function () { if (new date().gettime() - opentime < 1000 && !inwhitelist /* one second */) { window.pbreason = 'blocked a new window opened with url: ' openwndarguments[0] ' because a it was blured'; generatedwindow.close(); blockedwndnotification(openwndarguments); } else { originalwndblurfn(); } }; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } else { // (useoriginalopenwnd == false) var _location = { href: openwndarguments[0] }; _location.replace = function (url) { _location.href = url; }; generatedwindow = { close: function close() { return true; }, test: function test() { return true; }, blur: function blur() { return true; }, focus: function focus() { return true; }, showmodelessdialog: function showmodelessdialog() { return true; }, showmodaldialog: function showmodaldialog() { return true; }, prompt: function prompt() { return true; }, confirm: function confirm() { return true; }, alert: function alert() { return true; }, moveto: function moveto() { return true; }, moveby: function moveby() { return true; }, resizeto: function resizeto() { return true; }, resizeby: function resizeby() { return true; }, sc

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